I remember my feelings after watching the very first trailer Sniper Elite V2. A small video in which exactly one shot of an American sniper fit – but what a shot! “One bullet can change the course of history” … And it immediately showed exactly how she does it-in slowdown, breaking the spine to the German officer-tankman who was not visible from the Tiger tower. It was possible to revise the trailer endlessly – it looked so cool.
X-ray technology, thanks to which it was possible to consider in the smallest details what is happening with enemy giblets at the time of hitting, promises to build the most realistic ballistics, not forgetting about the plot and decent graphics … But what else is needed for happiness? Guys from Rebellion so vigorously began that they were simply obliged to make not a game, but a candy.
“Top secret”
The Second World War is approaching its completion. Our troops finish the remnants of the Nazis in the capital of Germany, and the allies are completing the blocking of randomly retreating Nazis. Berlin will take parts of the Red Army, but not all of our Western friends, it suits. The fact is that those few authors of the Nazis missile project still remain in the city, that they have not yet surrendered (to those troops that west of the Elbe, of course). Where the designers are – there are their development, and it cannot be allowed to ensure that all this wealth gets to the advice. The allies (so far without quotes) understand that after the victory on the horizon a new war looms – and the winner in it is not least depends on who will get the secrets of defeated Germany.
Here he is, our hero. Yes, I know that the window opening is far from the most suitable place for a sniper. But the game allows and not such a neglect of the choice of position.
Therefore, it is necessary to destroy those scientists who did not have time or did not want to go over to the side of the Americans. The fulfillment of this difficult mission is assigned to a single fighter, who will put the squirrel in the eye, and can handle explosives, and indeed one whole regiment is worth. About how long a loner will last in an enemy city, in which fights are going on with might and main, the creators of the game, apparently, did not think.
We will not pay attention to such a delusional plot tie (as for nonsense, we still have everything ahead)-what is happening quite fits into the canvas of the militants about the heroo-eagle, which independently destroys a thousand or two enemy soldiers, simultaneously saving the world. And while people like such stories – well, we will all have to see them on the screens of monitors, TVs and cinemas.
“Supermanism” is, of course, good, but as for realism and historical reliability, neither one nor the other spent the night here. And the point is not that one soldier falls off enemies in bucks, emerging unharmed from any trouble. As the story of the same World War II show, and it doesn’t happen. The example can be given by history Alexander Udodov, repeating the feat of his namesake Alexandra Matrosov, but wise to stay alive. If you make a game about Sniper elite that war, then in the title role there should be a Soviet or German shooter – to the allies to the successes of the two leading sniper schools were very, very far. But here the laws of the market are already entering into business – apparently, to the buyer, who is guided by the publisher, the fictional hero with fictitious exploits is nailed.
Well, how without the favorite entertainment of all the shooters about the Second World War: in the main role of MG-42 and a couple of fascist departments.
Hollywood war
I must say right away that I consider myself a lover of “hardcore” games. The realism of what is happening, a minimum of conventions and “cranberries” – this is what I like. AND Sniper Elite V2 I became interested primarily because of the promised reliable ballistics and tactics of sniper battle. A thorough choice of the best position, disguise, the principle of “one shot – one corpse”. I wanted to believe that all this will be, but “it turned out as always”.
The game is a surprise for a surprise. I did not know that the distance of sniper battle, it turns out, is no more than 300 meters. Yes, and this distance to the goal is more likely an exception to the rules – usually you have to shoot at 100 – 150. It would seem that there is nothing to aim-the crosshairs of aimed exactly in the head and click on the trigger. Amendments to the wind and range are practically not needed – the distances are not the same. But no, if you please build up the sight of almost half a figure up if the target is further hundreds of meters. The putty of the bullets is such that there is a feeling that you are not shooting from a healthy rifle, which pierces the helmet from a kilometer along with the contents of the pistol, but from some kind of pistol. It is funny, but more realistic to play with the disabled ballistics than with the developers offer.
About camouflage we can only say that if it is, then very, very strange. You either see you at once and everything, or no one sees. The enemy often does not react to the loud clatter of soldier’s boots ten meters away, but he will always hear the sound of the fall of a stone abandoned by the main character to divert attention. The notorious stealth with a quiet shooting of opponents from a pistol with
a silencer and bypassing fortified positions turns into a farce: you can crawl close to the fascist, and he will not notice you. In addition, the “corridor” design of levels does not allow fantasy to walk around – the choice is small. Eh, here would be an open world, as in Operation Flashpoint..
Right in the heart. After watching such scenes, you understand how defenseless the flesh is against a small piece of metal.
By the way, about the enemy: strange guys are fighting here. Enemy fighters differ straight a reckless courage. They can stand in the middle of the street in full height and start shooting from the machine gun without puzzled by the search for shelter. Snipers are even cooler. It turns out that the best position for shooting is standing on the roof, so that the silhouette of a “accurate shooter” is well visible against the background of the sky. Further – more. Tanks exploding from the hit in the lid of the fuel tank (I am silent that these tanks were additional, used only on the march, but not in battle), “rich” trophies-each enemy soldier took 5-6 rounds with him only forThe weapons used by the main character ..
This is anything, but not a game about a sniper. Sniper Elite V2 – An ordinary action movie on the World War II with all the stamps inherent in the genre, except that the rifle with optics is priority here. Where are the scenes in the style of scenes Brothers in Arms? Where, in the end, the dynamics and exciting script scenes of the first Call of Duty? Not a war, but a comedy.
“Second Front”
But from the fact that our compatriots will be our compatriots as opponents, not at all fun. I’m afraid to seem old -fashioned, but the game about the colorful shooting of Soviet soldiers in Berlin is not at all what I was waiting for the Victory holiday.
I could still understand if the game was about the German sniper – there was a war, on it it was. But why in a soldier of the Red Army (in earflaps and with huge stars instead of kocard – stereotypes, where without them) their ally shoots? The main character does not make differences between the Germans and the Russians – he doesn’t care who to kill. As for me, all this is nothing more than blasphemy and disrespect for our common history. Apparently, few people are interested in how everything was actually. For the sake of diversity, one can sacrifice historical reliability. But there will be those who will think that “everything was so”.
Yes, another stroke – thanks to DLC, we will find out that Hitler In fact, our protege was killed. Soviet soldiers seemed to.
It is difficult to argue with the main character – the modifications of the “three -line” are used as a sniper weapon so far.
Faces of death
No, I did not forget about the main “chip” Sniper Elite V2. Yes, we are talking about the same “X-ray chamber”, which shows all the damage caused by a bullet when it bite into an enemy body. Here it is worth paying tribute to the developers – as for this aspect of the game, there is nothing to complain about. After a particularly well -aimed shot, time slows down, and the camera accompanies the bullet, showing everything that it does inside such a fragile human body in the most profitable angles. Honestly, sometimes it becomes uneasy – everything looks so realistic. Bones crumble, blood vessels and organs are torn, eyes burst … All this is not scripts and animations not recorded ahead of time – each death is unique. Anatomy textbook is resting.
You can get into a grenade that every second enemy drags with you on a belt. The explosion will turn out with a sight for sore eyes – with the “X -ray” and in slow time. Explosions look no less impressive when the explosives and the already mentioned fuel tank tank are already mentioned in a pre -installed charge.
If you leave aside the discussion of realism, then it is worth recognizing that from a technical point of view everything is done perfectly: graphics and sound at a height;Is that annoying music I want to turn off from the first minutes of the game.
And yet the shortcomings are outweighed. One X-ray system, no matter how spectacular it may be, is not enough to name Sev2 Great game. In an hour or two, you notice that the promised Epic about a difficult sniper craft turns into a dull shooting range, and the scenes of murders and other beauty are boring. All the advantages that are in the game can be seen in demo versions. The release will not give anything new – unless the dubious joy of plenty to crawl through the Soviet fighters and the opportunity to shoot with their own hands Hitler.
But at first glance there really is a candy. Only under a beautiful wrapper in the form of an “X -ray camera” – a dummy. The campaign maintains interest only the first time, and then everything rolls into a monotonous shoot of stupid to the impossibility of opponents. The network game does not save from boredom – a third -person view itself kills the principle of confrontation of snipers. The game for these fighters in Red Orchestra 2 looks much more realistic and exciting than what is happening in Sniper Elite V2.
Elite sniper – and all the bullets in “milk” ..
Pros: scenes using X-ray is beyond praise.
Cons: “Corridor” level design;Not the smartest AI;incomprehensible ballistics;The monotony of action.